The XX IUCr Congress is over!
The organizers thank all participants for their contribution to a succesful event.
This site is now updated with
a photoalbum (new significant photos are wellcome!) and the following informative documents.

1) A message from the chairpersons, which highlight the major achievements of the congress and summarize all the important statistics.
2) Downloadable powerpoint files of all the KN and MS lectures for which the presenting authors have signed a copyright agreement.
3) Copies of the proposal to the Marie Curie Actions of the European Commission, together with the comments of the evaluators. This project, together with other sources, allowed to distribute almost 450 participation bursaries.
4) A collection of post-congress messages from various participants who expressed their appreciation for the organization.

This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXX Congress at Florence in 2005. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.