We are excited about the opportunity to show both the
crystallographic world as well as the city of Florence
the breadth and depth of science-related art that arises
from our crystallographic endeavours.
An exhibition on "Art and Crystallography" takes place in the Escher Hall (Pavillon C). The items on display consist of:
Graphic arts: - Drawings and paintings - Computer generated art (e.g.,
movies, holograms) - Art derived directly from experimental work
(e.g., a striking electron density map). - Please note that while we especially welcome
original contributions, the attentive scientist occasionally
finds pictures in the art world that represent scientific
principles not always obvious to the general public.
Musical arts: - Original music based on genetic or protein
sequences or structures
Plastic arts:Let this invitation inspire you to express your scientific
efforts artistically.
- Original art forms not fitting one of the above categories.
The exhibition is open from Tuesday 23 (15.00-19.00) to Saturday 27 (9.00-19.00 all the other days). The best two pieces of art will receive awards (with original etchings) during the Microsymposium on Art and Crystallography held on Friday 26
This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXX Congress at Florence in 2005. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.